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Hattie, Team-Building, Coaching, and the Drive for Excellence.

Keith Briggs

Updated: May 29, 2023

It was good to see Professor John Hattie outline his current thoughts on student engagement, learning and teaching in The Educator article at the end of February 2023. The ideas expressed in this piece are a summary of his updated research based on thousands of meta-analyses comprising the combined reflection of 400 million students world-wide. While not having had the pleasure of carrying out such extensive research, it was pleasing for me to note Professor Hattie echoing the same sentiments I had outlined in an article I had written at the end of 2021, but was published in the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL) periodical in May 2022. Review this link to review how comparative our perspective on learning and teaching appears.

The team that I led had been putting such ideas into practice over the previous seven years, so it was great to see how far we were ahead of the game if Professor Hattie's research has updated in the same fashion now. Now I am no longer a member of that team, and its nucleus has generally disbanded to go on to great things in exceptional schools, I feel prouder than ever of our collaborative efforts and having worked alongside such great people. Come and have a chat with Ged and I to see how we can help you develop as a leader, as well as devise and implement team-building strategies to maximise the collective efficacy of your organisation.


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